Why choose a palette knife-decorated wedding cake?

So there’s a new type of wedding cake, you’ve probably seen it trending on Instagram or TikTok. It’s decorated with beautiful flowers, all sculpted with artists’ palette knives in luxurious white chocolate ganache. 

Palette knife cakes are full of character: some are modern and abstract, like an impressionist painting, and some are maximalist, festooned with lavish cascades of statement blooms that seem to defy gravity. Others have a vintage quality reminiscent of Victorian wallcoverings, or the Baroque botanical paintings of the Dutch Masters period.

If you’d love a wedding cake that is stunning to behold and absolutely delicious to eat, this is for you. All the decoration is edible, unlike that on a fondant cake (sugar flowers set like brittle plastic and cannot be eaten, and actually fondant itself is super sweet and plasticky, not good to eat).

The ganache is soft when it is sculpted into shape but sets firm on the cake itself, so there’s no need to worry about the cake getting damaged during transit or on site. Unlike buttercream, which is also delicious and popular with couples who don’t like fondant, ganache remains stable at room temperature and won’t melt in the heat of your celebration.

I’m Emma Page and I own a wedding cake business and online cake decorating school near London in the UK. I am passionate about palette knife decorating and have been teaching the technique for over 10 years. My cakes have appeared in Vogue, the Metro, Rock my Wedding, Rock n Roll Bride and I have judged cakes on Channel 4’s Handmade Christmas show alongside Kirstie Allsop.

If you’d like me to create a cake for your wedding, please get in touch at emma@emmapagecakes.co.uk and we can chat through the design options.

Emma Page